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Women’s Leadership in 2014 Our Wish Lists |

2014年の女性のリーダーシップ 私たちの達成希望リスト

Elizabeth Handover, JHRS Women in HR Advocate Leader エリザベス・ハンドーヴァー, JHRSWomen in HR」提唱リーダー

Mireille Watanabe Handover JHRS, Women in HR Adviser |  渡辺 美玲JHRS「Women in HR」アドバイザー

How to begin the challenging and complex work of advancing women's leadership in Japan? For two top women leaders, it all starts with the powerful act of writing a wish list. | 日本で女性のリーダーシップを開拓するという挑戦的で複雑な仕事をどうやって始めるのか。二人の女性トップリーダーにとって、それはすべて、達成希望リストを書きあげるというパワフルな行為から始まる。

Originally written in English

     Women’s leadership in Japan was a hot topic in 2013. In April, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe revealed his vision to have “no less than 30 percent of leadership positions in all areas of society filled by women by 2020” in a speech about growth strategy. In May, we helped to bring the WIN (Women’s International Networking) Conference to Tokyo for the second time. Masako Mori, Minister of State for Gender Equality, was a special guest. Also in May, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) and the U.S.-Japan Council (USJC) cohosted the successful Women in Business Summit. In July, Facebook COO and Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg visited Japan, appearing on NHK program “Close-up Gendai” and met with the prime minister. Even the Keizai Douyukai, Keidanren and Three Economic Associations are on board in the discussions on women’s empowerment in the workplace.

     How do we move forward from here? The problems are complex and wide-ranging but talking alone will not transform Japanese businesses or Japanese society. It’s time for action. So we are starting right off with a wish list of actions that we would like to see happen in 2014.

“It’s time for action. So we are starting right off with a wish list of actions that we would like to see happening in 2014.”

Elizabeth’s Wish List

1. Support More Diversity Initiatives

The clock is ticking. Financial markets are waiting. The alarm is likely to go off in about six months, according to experts. Will Abenomics deliver its promised growth and dramatic recovery? Womenomics will be pivotal to the success of the government’s economic plan. I would like to see HR departments in every organization get at least one initiative actively going by next May. It can be awareness raising, diversity and/or women’s leadership training. It can be policies to introduce more flexible working hours or to make it easier for women to onramp back into work after taking a break.

2. Establish Informal Peer Mentoring and Support Networks

Women who strive to keep their careers going often feel isolated and unmotivated in the workplace. Official mentoring programs are vital but few women have access to senior role models. It would make a difference if all organizations actively supported networking groups where women can peer mentor, give career advice, offer mutual support and be a sounding board for ideas, plans and actions.

3. Industry Leaders Speaking Out

Some major companies are positively supporting women’s career development within their organizations. My request is for leaders of these companies to step up and give time to speaking at events, commenting to the media and generally putting stronger emphasis on the message that economic success rests strongly on getting women into the workforce. The more that influential leaders of industry demonstrate their public support in making the work environment gender equal, the more that all Japan Inc. will jump on board.

Mireille’s Wish List

1. Invite Career Women to Speak at Schools

Every school – from elementary to high school – should actively invite interesting and inspiring working women as guest speakers to talk to the students. Girls should be encouraged to have ambitions starting at a young age. A recent poll by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare found that 38 percent of the unmarried women surveyed did not want to become dedicated housewives after marriage. Since many girls have mothers who do not work or have low wage part-time jobs, they will need external role models to inspire them and show them what is possible. A lack of ambition is a problem for young men in Japan too so having both male and female guest speakers could help to motivate an entire generation.

2. Promote a Positive Image of Working Mothers in the Media

Many women who continue working after having children struggle with a sense of guilt. The image of the dedicated homemaker – as seen in TV commercials for everything from cleaning products to headache pills – reinforces the idea that the best kind of mother is a mother who stays at home. A recent study in Denmark found that children whose mothers worked had a higher grade point average than those who didn’t. I’d like to see more images of working mothers in the Japanese media to change social perceptions and support women and their families to feel proud of the professional roles they play.

3. Ensure that Young Women are Promoted at an Equal Pace to Their Male Peers

It is important that young women have an equal chance at success when they are starting out. If they see a lack of opportunities for women in the company they are more likely to opt out of a career and choose to stay at home. The IpPanShoku 一般職 (non-career track/clerical jobs) system also needs to be reformed so that women are no longer trapped in jobs with no prospects.

     Let us know what women’s career and leadership initiatives you or your organization are putting energy into. Email us at We look forward to hearing from you.






1. 多様性を認める


2. インフォーマルなメンター制度およびサポートネットワークを確立する


3. 企業のリーダーが発言する



1. キャリアのある女性を学校に招いて話をしてもらう


2. 働く母親のポジティブなイメージをメディアで紹介する


3. 男性同様、女性にも平等な昇進の機会が与えられるようにする





Elizabeth Handover is president of Intrapersona K.K. and a Lumina Learning partner for Asia. She is co-chair of the ACCJ Women in Business Committee, co-founder of the Women's Leadership Development Centre and special adviser to the Global WIN Conference.


エリザベス・ハンドーヴァー イントラペルソ ナKKの社長であり、ルミナラーニングのアジア 地域パートナー。彼女はACCJウィメン・イン・ ビジネス・コミティーの共同代表であり、ウィメ ンズ・リーダーシップ・ディベロップメント・セ ンターの共同創始者、またグローバルWINコ ンファレンスの特別顧問でもある。
  Mireille Watanabe Handover is a Lumina Learning partner for Asia. As a Lumina faculty member, she trains and supports licensed Lumina practitioners to deliver inspiring and practical workshops in the areas of global leadership, diversity, teamwork and presentation skills.  

渡辺  美玲  ルミナ・ラーニングのアジア地域パートナーである。ルミナの講師メンバーとして、彼女は、グローバル・リーダーシップやダイバーシティ、チームワークやプレゼン技術の分野に関する参加者のモチベーションを高め、実践に役立つワークショップをルミナのライセンスを持つ講演者が開催できるようにするため、研修や支援を行っている。


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