Professionalizing HR in Japan: Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities

24 Oct 2009 22:33 | Deleted user
On October 15, 2009,  a group of HR professionals representing various industries such as finance, logistics, consumer, industrial, academe, and consulting gathered to discuss the merits and potential direction of The JHRS Academy, the purpose of which is twofold:

1.  To offer continuing education programs or courses in both generalist and specialist HR tracks, with an emphasis on best practices and strengthening the HR body of knowledge, skills, and competencies; and,

2.  To develop, establish, and administer a Japan-focused HR credentialing program to certify mastery of basic and advanced HR competencies.

Graciously hosted by Nikko Asset Management at Tokyo Midtown, the meeting was held to discuss the preliminary findings of our online survey exploring these topics.  As of 15 October 2009, over 50 respondents have given us their opinions about the continuing HR educational needs of themselves and their employees, and what they think about the concept of creating an HR certification mechanism leading to a Japan-focused HR credential.

Facilitated by Dana Gallagher, Dean and Academic Director of the JHRS Academy and Jun Kabigting, Chief Community Officer of JHRS, the meeting was a lively round-table exchange, centered on 4 questions:

1.  What are the most compelling and necessary HR content areas that HR directors and HR professionals would like to take courses in?

2.  What are the factors that would influence HR directors and HR professionals to enroll in continuing HR education courses?

3.  How much interest do HR directors and HR professionals show in a certification or credentialing system for HR professionals here in Japan?

4.  What are the pros and cons for having a credentialing or certification system for HR here in Japan?

To those HR professionals in attendance, courses in communication, cultural diversity, and change management were critically important, with ROI and relevance to one's work being key factors in deciding whether to enroll in courses.  We also agreed that if carefully conceived and executed, that an HR credential could elevate the credibility of the HR profession, bringing HR to the table as a true business partner to other C-level executives.

These are vitally important topics, and ones that must be thoroughly discussed before acted upon.  We will need all the input and activism we can get in making the JHRS Academy a relevant institution, so the survey is still open for participation (take the "JHRS Academy Survey" if you haven't completed it already.)  If you have completed the Survey,  we certainly appreciate your input and want to continue to hear your ideas.  

This is the beginning of what we hope will be a thoughtful ongoing discussion about the future of HR as a profession.    Please take the survey, or leave a comment!  

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