The subtitle of Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard (Broadway
Business, 320 pages, $26) says it all. The book, by Chip Heath, a
professor at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, and Dan
Heath, a senior fellow at Duke University's Center for the Advancement
of Social Entrepreneurship, is about overcoming the immense difficulty
of organizational change.
It is not an ordinary book about organizational change, which has
been a very popular topic for management advice books over the last
couple of decades. It begins by delving deep into the human psyche to
examine why we all so resist change so much of the time. The authors
argue that if we can learn some fundamentals of how our minds function,
we can do better overcoming our opposition to change. We can figure out
how to keep our desire to improve things from being overwhelmed by our
skepticism, caution and fear.
Buy this book here.