The business case for employee engagement is clear – leaders and managers who inspire and engage their employees are more likely to realize the full potential of their workforce, unlocking hidden talent and maximizing business performance. Research shows that “actively disengaged employees” cost Japan approximately 26 trillion Japanese yen (JPY) per year. This FREE Open Event (in English) has been designed to give managers and leaders an opportunity to explore the impact of their leadership on their organization, the behaviors and strategies that will encourage and sustain an engaged and committed workforce. Our Talent Engagement Open Event will explore: • Key drivers of talent engagement • Effective people management • The role of the leader • Organizational culture • Engagement barriers • How to develop effective engagement strategies The event will give you the opportunity to: Engage: Come along and learn about Impact's innovative approach to Talent Engagement Experience:Take part in interactive projects to sample different learning methodologies and find out how Impact Japan works. Network: Take part in dialogue with like-minded individuals. Find out 'who is doing what' and 'how is it making a difference'. To reserve your space, please register online by November 18, 2009, 12nn to comply with US Embassy's Security Procedures. Simply log-in to your JHRS account and add this event in your calendar.