People Matters Futurist Forum 2022

  • 10 Mar 2022
  • 08:45 - 13:00
  • Online

Event description

The People Matters Futurist Forum is a rare opportunity for business leaders to look at their existing models and approaches from a radically-different perspective, which is potentially replicable and implementable within their respective organisations. This elite gathering of experts, business thinkers, and practising leaders will reinforce complementarities that create win-win outcomes for all stakeholders.
At this hallowed Forum, you will be able to visualise 10X at:
  • Personal Level - Focus on your internal energies and regroup yourself for impact. This would require you to pay attention to your thoughts, actions, and attitudes.
  • Team Level - How can we enable teams to achieve the impossible (like we did during the pandemic)? This business imperative would require a culture of active and willing collaboration, a sense of solidarity, and an undying commitment to customer service and organisational vision.
  • Organisational Level - What new muscles do we need to develop for scale & speed to be the organization of tomorrow? Humanity has lost plenty to the pandemic in terms of prosperity, health, and time - the most precious and limited commodity that we have. We need to build back better.

Masterclass by Ravin Jesuthasan, Futurist, Global Leader of Transformation, Mercer

Work Without Jobs: How to reboot your organization's work operating system
"Jobs" don't hold a stereotypical definition anymore. The change requires deconstructing the current system to accommodate automation and agility. This masterclass will present to you real-world case studies to equip you to recreate and enable a fresh future.


Event details

Date: 10 March, 2022

Time: 8:45am to 1:00pm

Venue: Online

For any Delegate enquiry, reach out to us at or call us at +91 9650715443

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