MAJOR Rules:
1. Observe courtesy, honesty and decency. No foul language, swearing or name-calling are allowed. Use a thesaurus if you can't express yourself without swearing.
2. No trolling. Don't make inflammatory remarks just to get a
response. You won't be labeled a troll if your post has substance. No
ad hominem attacks or libelous messages. Criticize ideas, not people.
You may qualify what you think is a controversial post by stating your
reason for posting.
3. Do not send pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit messages.
4. Be considerate of others. Do not post anything that may
offend anyone's sensibilities based on race, religion, class or gender.
Do not post defamatory, abusive, obscene, threatening or illegal
material, or any material that infringes on the ability of others to
enjoy the exchange of ideas or those that infringes on the rights of
5. Respect the privacy of others. Private mails should remain
private unless you have the permission of the author to post them. In
addition, do not post phone numbers, home addresses, etc. or any
private information without permission. To make sure that the letter is
indeed private, look at the To: heading. Even if more than two persons
are involved, if the list is not sent a copy, then that is a private
matter and should remain so among the persons involved.
MINOR Rules and Reminders:
1. No spamming is allowed.
2. Do not forward chain letters. This includes virus warnings
(most of which are hoaxes so please check their veracity first) and
inspirational stories unless they are appropriate to a situation. If
you receive a chain letter you think list members may be interested in,
send a short description of it to the list saying they can reply if
they want to receive the chain letter in private.
3. Do not overload our mailboxes.
4. Trim messages. If you are replying to just one point in a
body of message, just copy this and delete the rest including other
attached messages and yahoogroups footers. There should only be two
messages in your post--yours and the one you are replying to.
4.1 If you are replying to two or more messages and want to include
them in your letter, copy only the most relevant portions of the
respective letters.
5. Limit one-liners.
6. Do not forget to apologize. It is the oil that lubricates relationships.
(Note: The Guidelines or portions of it will be sent to the list once in while as a reminder to everyone)