Seven Sales Hiring Mistakes

25 Jan 2012 12:20 | JHRS (Administrator)

Sales leaders face the unique challenge of hiring reps who have personalities, interests and behaviors that align with the needs of a specific sales job. In a job interview situation, you can expect a candidate to do their best to “sell” you on why they should be considered for a position. Usually only a highly trained and experienced interviewer can determine if the candidate is truly cut out for the job and has the potential to succeed. However, far too few sales hiring managers possess this expertise and there are simply too many sales hiring mistakes. These mistakes are costly and highly disruptive to the rhythm of a high producing sales team.

As a result, we sought to identify the top sales hiring mistakes and identified some best practices to help our clients avoid these pitfalls. We conducted comprehensive research that asked managers about their top sales hiring mistakes. This report seeks to better understand these mistakes and offers solutions to avoid making them in your company.

Given the importance of hiring the right sales employees, our study had three objectives:

  • Identify the common hiring mistakes for sales organizations.
  • Uncover the sources of challenges companies face when making sales hiring decisions.
  • Explain how sales companies can avoid making common mistakes when hiring new employees.

Download this report from The JHRS Knowledgebase under the "Recruiting/Staffing/Selection" sub-folder. (Requires Professional Level access.)

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