Thank you, Kabigting-sensei,
They are very interesting and informative readings.
Is Seniority base pay bad?
I’m not a supporter of seniority base pay, however I sometimes feel seniority base pay gets blame more than they should.
I believe there were eras when seniority base pay worked effectively to motivate employees. Besides, I believe still it is valid for some industries or business models, like craftsman, engineers. Years of experiences differentiate their performance.
I heard seniority base pay in Western context doesn't have performance appraisal as mainly being applied to blue collars, while Japanese companies do performance appraisal under seniority base pay.
Yes, employees remember how they felt and forget the bonus / salary increase amount one year later…
When business result is not so good, we can only make smaller bonus pool. Manager pay larger portion to the talents, absolute amount may be small, still far better than other coworkers. HR asks managers to have rich communication with employees. Money without message does not motivate employees.
I have asked some employees if they are satisfied if they get JPY1mil monthly salary? Yes!
How about all employees get JPY1mil monthly salary? No, we would like to be fairly compensated.
When employees are complaining about salary, I found there are two causes, absolute salary amount or performance appraisal. Besides, more often PA is the root cause.