Today, the changing business landscape is propelling the need for outsourcing in Japan. With ever-increasing globalization, the ability for Japanese businesses to be flexible and agile in their approach to business has become imperative. Japanese companies are increasingly making the same strategic decisions as the U.S. and Europe - they are using outsourcing/shared services for their business solutions and to meet their business needs faster, cheaper and smarter.
In 2003, approximately 15% of the companies listed on the Tokyo stock exchange were considering the implementation of shared services. Today, that number has increased to over 71%.
Due to the challenges the Japan economy has faced in the last 36 months, the outsourcing market in Japan is expanding and now is experiencing the revolution that was seen 10 years ago in Europe and the US.
Here is a snapshot of what you can expect at the summit
C-Level Executive Roundtable examining the competitiveness of Japan in the context of global market and exploring best delivery models in the region to realize successful business objectives. The main drivers for Japanese firms to adopt an outsourcing/SSC strategy are:
In-depth presentations providing drilled-down pioneering strategies on business realignment, value creation, process excellence and next level of outsourcing. Be part of the innovators and benchmark with your peers. Hear about the latest trends in your own industry or use the cross-learning experience and find out what has worked best for others:
Engaging yourself in interactive panel discussions and gaining insights into: